Sports Injury Recovery in Midland, MI

Sports Injuries

A young athlete with an ankle injury.

If you are experiencing pain due to a sports injury, the discomfort can hinder your performance and impact your quality of life. At Simmons Specific Chiropractic in Midland, MI, our team offers chiropractic care to eliminate your discomfort and prevent injuries from reoccurring. Before paying us a visit, learn more about the different types of sports injuries and why treatment is important below:

Types of Sports Injuries 

Back Pain ā€” Back pain caused by a sports injury may be due to inflamed or bruised muscles. Not only that, but injuries can also occur from repetitive motion and overuse, heavy impact, poor posture, or poor form. You may also have strained tendons and ligaments that are causing discomfort.  

Neck Pain ā€” Sports can cause the muscles and ligaments in the neck to become strained and the upper spine to become injured. Neck injuries that happen during high-impact sports like football or soccer tend to be more serious than those during low-impact sports, such as golf or tennis.

Shoulder Pain and Elbow Pain ā€” Shoulder pain and elbow pain from sports activities typically develop after repetitive motion. The rotator cuff in the arm and shoulder can become irritated and damaged after excessive repetitive motion. The shoulder joint is held in place by the muscles and tendons of the rotator cuff. Elbow pain can often happen from sports like tennis, golf, and swimming.

Knee Pain ā€” Knee pain can arise from a direct impact injury, repetitive motion, or natural degradation. The tendons, ligaments, and nerves in the knee region can cause severe pain when compromised.

Chiropractic Treatment for Sports Injuries 

Most athletes are familiar with the RICE method, which stands for Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation. These are self-care techniques that can help with recovery. However, if your pain is severe or chronic, it is time to seek chiropractic care. At Simmons Specific, we utilize chiropractic adjustments for the spine and other parts of the body to help relieve pain from sports injuries. We also use the Knee Chest Upper Cervical method, which helps align the upper cervical spine and nervous system.

Preventing Sports Injuries 

We work with our patients to help them understand their physiology. Our chiropractor offers exercises that can help improve flexibility in the neck, back and hips. We teach our patients how to strengthen their bodies and correct and maintain their posture. We also focus on teaching our patients how to avoid injuries so they can stay healthy and strong and continue leading an active lifestyle.

Contact us for an Appointment Today!

If you have pain following a sports injury, let our team at Simmons Specific Chiropractic in Midland, MI, help. With the right treatment, we can reduce your discomfort so you can get back to the sport that you enjoy quickly. To schedule your appointment, contact us at (989) 923-2225 today!

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